Mr. Italy, Paolo Cosi - Mister World 2010 Candidates

mr. mister world 2010 italy paolo cosiMr. World 2010 Male Beauty Pageant

Mister Italy
Paolo Cosi

Age: 25

Height: 6'1"

Languages: Italian & English

Hometown: Corigliano d'Otranto

Mr. Italy, Paolo Cosi was crowned last year as Mister World Italy 2009 or Mr. Mondo Italia 2009.

Paolo is working as a contractor in the family business after completing his degree in accountancy, but his ambition is to become a successful actor. Hobbies include football and motor sports. “Live and let live” is his personal motto.

How are you preparing for Mr World in Korea?
I am preparing hard for this event because I believe a significant opportunity for my life. I have not really changed my old habits.

Do you have a daily routine?
I have intensified my daily workouts at the gym and I am following a diet for muscle toning my body.

What is your biggest talent?
I honestly do not think I have a talent in a specific activity, but I really like singing.

If you had to perform in front of a live audience what would you do?

What’s your best quality?
One of my greatest qualities is the dedication to work beyond the loyalty and love for my family.

What’s the one thing you cannot live without?
I could not live without the love of my parents and others who love me. I could not think of a life without a mobile phone, PC, my best friend and my cousin.

Favorite film?
Gladiator and Braveheart

Favorite Sports Car?
Formula 1 cars

mr. mister world 2010 italy paolo cosimr. mister world 2010 italy paolo cosi

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