Ali Sarchuk - Miss Universe Canada 2012 Profile

Ali Sarchuk | Miss Universe Canada 2012
Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Hometown: Saskatoon
BIO: Throughout Ali’s adolescent years, she had undertaken bullying nearly daily – whether that be from being overweight or taller than most of her peers. As such, she struggled to even complete high school education.
Although Ali was a very unpretentious and intelligent girl, the trials and tribulations from high school seemed to put a damper on her emotional and physical mindset. Fortunately, she had her family to always be behind her; pushing her through the state of enmity.
Upon graduation from high school, Ali set out to make a complete lifestyle change to transition herself into the successful, confident, and intelligent girl everyone knew she was. Within a few months after high school graduation, Ali enrolled in her first year of university with the University of Saskatchewan.
Although she wasn’t entirely sure as to which career path she wanted to endure, she knew it was within law. Consequently, she has now obtained two post-secondary diplomas with honours in the legal field (she has also obtained the highest typing speed within her college, typing an astonishing 120 words per minute).
She has worked in law firms within Saskatoon for nearly two years. In the beginning, Ali was unsure if she was ready to undertake the challenges and educational advancements to become a lawyer. However, she is now on the path to pursuing just that. Ali will be writing her Law School Admission Test this fall in hopes of being accepted into law with the University of Saskatchewan in 2013. Her focus within law will be on criminal law as she has had a strong passion for such throughout her entire life.
Aside from Ali’s educational background, Ali is a very talented piano player. Piano playing is a skill that proved to help Ali “escape” from the tribulations of high school; therefore, she has been playing piano for many years. She believes that the ability to augment the sound of a note with simply a touch is a subtle yet striking way to show passion within music. Ali has received her Grade 8 certification from the Royal Conservatory of Music, and as such has received a silver medal for receiving the highest mark in Saskatchewan on one of her Royal Conservatory of Music’s exams.
Ali also has a very healthy lifestyle, which has turned her into a role model within her community. Being overweight for many years, Ali has successfully lost 45 pounds and has immensely transformed her life. Eating smarter, working out, and being active are the three main ingredients to a healthy lifestyle which Ali is proud to have conquered. Ali is now following a strict fitness routine to keep up her physical health, and as such helps her friends and family with doing the same. Everyone who knows Ali truly believes that she is an inspirational success story. From facing bullying, which had nearly altered her entire life, Ali is a strong believer in helping to raise awareness for such a cause. Ali has written an autobiography based solely on her mislead tribulations throughout her adolescent years. This autobiography has been offered to be featured on the television shows Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Drew.
Ali strongly believes that victims of bullying are the best individuals to speak to the public about the same; therefore, Ali will be helping out with the Red Cross Pink Shirt (anti-bullying) campaign this spring and will be doing the same in the future annually. Finally, Ali is extremely family oriented; her family has been her constant stable support group throughout her entire life. Ali’s grandmother including other family members have been diagnosed with cancer and the majority are survivors. Because of this, Ali was proud to have appeared in a published 2011 calendar (month of June and cover model) to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer. She will be volunteering her time to helping organize the same calendar for 2013.
Ali truly is an inspirational woman who believes that one person is able to make a difference within society. Miss Universe Canada stands for intelligence, beauty, confidence, and a giving soul. As such, Ali is striving to prove that these four outstanding qualities truly do make for an inspirational role model and she is pursuing the path to being just that.
Languages spoken fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language).
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I absolutely love playing the piano as I have been playing for many years. I have received my Grade 8 certification with the Royal Conservatory of Music and am able to teach if I so sought. I have also won a silver medal for getting the highest mark in Saskatchewan on one of my Royal Conservatory of Music piano exams. Aside from piano, I love modeling. I have been modeling for four years (print, commercial, promotional) and have shot with photographers from around the country. I have also had the opportunity to model in a printed 2011 calendar which promoted breast cancer research, and I have done promotional shoots for a motorcycle company as well as a shoe and clothing store. Most of all, I love travelling. I have travelled through Canada, USA, Cuba, and am going to Jamaica in March. I love being able to have the sense of being free and exploring other cultures – it is revitalizing.
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)
I have special training in piano playing – I have received my Grade 8 certification with the Royal Conservatory of Music. I have also received my Serve It Right certification from the Government of Saskatchewan.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?
Although I love playing and being involved in sports, I will admit I am not very good. Throughout high school I was part of our high school’s basketball team. Aside from that, I love attempting to snowboard and wakeboard; however, those who watch probably get a good laugh.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My best friend Alicia has had the most influence on my life aside from my parents. My adolescent years proved to be full of trials and tribulations; therefore, it was most definitely a struggle for me. Finding true friends and putting the dark endangerments of drugs and alcohol behind was a very realistic problem within my adolescence. However, Alicia was always by my side helping me through my problems, even though at the time I wasn’t sure that was her main intention, as she consistently told my parents about substance abuse (in order to help me). She is still by my side and supports me through everything that I do. We have been through tears and laughter; however, she truly is someone I look up to.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?
Thus far, my proudest personal accomplishment is obtaining a post-secondary education. After being enrolled in my first year of university I was extremely unsure as to what was ahead for me; therefore, I debated not going to school at all. However, upon finding the realization that my ideal career is in a law firm, I obtained two post-secondary diplomas with honours in the legal field. Subsequently, I also graduated having the highest typing speed of 120 words per minute from the college. I am now looking to further my proudest accomplishment by getting accepted into law with the University of Saskatchewan and obtaining a career as a lawyer within Saskatchewan.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
One of the most oddly interesting things about me, which transpires into the most interesting things that have happened to me, is that I seem to be very lucky when it comes to winning large prizes. Up until a few years ago, I was convinced that I was the most unlucky person I had ever met. I had dislocated my knees about 20 times in total (some having happened from the simplest things such as putting on pants), and my name seemed to be situated with the common idiosyncrasy of being “unlucky”. Although I believe that luck is simply a coincidence within a situation, it seemed that my luck had changed when I was 20 years old. While attending an employer’s Christmas party with a friend, it turns out we had won a trip for two to anywhere in the world we wanted to go (up to a $2000 value). Needless to say, within a few months we were headed off to Cuba for free. A few years later and I had also won many concert tickets, promotional event tickets, and countless other prizes which seemed to make my name well known around the city. Finally, I had heard that there was a contest on a local radio station where a few lucky individuals were able to win a trip to Las Vegas – a 17 hour fun-filled trip which proved to be full of experiences. For the entire week that the contest was played on the radio station, I was awake at 6 a.m. waiting for the “cue-to-call”. Four days went past and it was the last day of the contest; my roommate was amused with me since I was determined to win a ticket to Las Vegas – I had even been using her alarm clock radio just to make sure I didn’t miss anything. On the fifth and final day of the contest, I heard the “cue-to-call” and immediately dialed the number. Within a few seconds, the announcers had picked up, asked me the winning question, and I was told I had won two tickets to Las Vegas for a 17 hour overnight excursion. A couple of months later and I was off to Las Vegas for a 17 hour overnight trip with the announcers and the other winners of the contest. I strongly believe that this is a mere glimpse of my motivation and determination which allows me to always have a positive outlook.
Although my luck seems to have reached a peak lately, I strongly believe that I have enough motivation to put aside the stereotypical coincidences of “luck” and will be travelling around the world simply because of my own strong interest in other cultures. As such, I look very forward to doing so.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My career goal is to obtain a career as a lawyer within Saskatchewan. I currently have the amount of schooling required to be accepted into law at the University of Saskatchewan. Therefore, I will be writing my Law School Admission Test this fall in order to get accepted into law at the University of Saskatchewan for the following fall. Although I have been a real estate legal assistant for two years, my true passion is within criminal law and that is where I hope to find my ideal career.
What would be your “dream job” in life?
My dream job would be someone who gets to travel the world to explain what it is like. Travelling is a strong passion of mine – the revitalization and ability to see new cultures is absolutely breathtaking. There are so many places outside of our country that are stunning – whether that be the white sand and crystal blue water of Fiji, to the local tribes in Africa. Every nation has something very different to offer and I would love the ability to gain knowledge within every aspect of our world.
Are you currently a student?
Are you currently employed?
If yes, what is your occupation?
My current position is the Sales and Marketing Coordinator at the Sheraton Cavalier Hotel Saskatoon. I am in charge of researching, writing and editing posts that are to be published on social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Trip Advisor) for both the Sheraton Cavalier Hotel Saskatoon and The James Hotel Saskatoon. In addition, I proofread, update, and maintain the Sheraton’s two websites – independent and corporate. I develop and maintain all social media strategies, as well as marketing strategies throughout the hotel. Aside from the social media aspect, I am in charge of all design for the Sheraton Cavalier Hotel Saskatoon (including Carvers Steakhouse, Windows Restaurant, 6Twelve Lounge, The Express, and The Link) and The James Hotel. I am in charge of writing, creating, and designing all collateral for both hotels (gift certificates, menus, posters, brochures, etc.) and have numerous advertisements which have now been published. Aside from the creative side, I am essentially the information technologist as well. I provide support and troubleshoot problems that are computer related to all of my coworkers.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I am originally from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and as such, was raised there. My childhood proved to be full of laughter, rosy cheeks (whether that be from the frigid winters and tobogganing or embarrassing moments) and entertainment. At a very young age I learned the importance of having respect for your elders – within that lesson I learned to have respect for everyone around you as well. Having been raised within a polite and respectful family I truly believe that has a strong impact on who I am today. Within elementary school I was always a playground leader – someone my elders could rely on, yet those younger than me could look up to. I absolutely loved putting a smile on everyone’s faces which subsequently brought the same to mine. Aside from congenial personality, I absolutely loved being the entertainer. Whether that was singing at the top of my lungs at home to The Backstreet Boys, or doing in-school plays and talent shows – I was always looking for ways to entertain people. My entertaining abilities were closely followed with a lovable sense of humor. In one of the talent shows I was asked to sing a Dolly Parton song. Upon acceptance and show time, my shirt was filled with blown up balloons to resemble the country singer’s more than ample chest. Needless to say, I gave the entire audience a smile.
I am very honored to say that I have come from one of the most amazing families I have ever known; therefore, my childhood was an absolutely memorable one that I am very blessed to have had.
List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.
Thus far, the most interesting and unusual jobs I have had have all stemmed within modeling. Although female models are often photographed in ways the photographer believes shows their beauty – soft, sensual, beautiful, many of my photo shoots have been concept shoots which disembodies the “pretty” model stereotype. Yes, I have done many photo shoots which have undertaken the fashion and glamour aspects; however, I have done many concept photo shoots which rely on the model’s look and attitude to have an edge and uncommon look.
The unusual concept shoots are definitely my favorite as they allow me to expand my talent within modeling and play a different role than usual. My hair in these photo shoots is usually backcombed and curled to the point where I look like a prison escapee who hasn’t had the opportunity to touch their hair within a few years. My makeup is often off-kilter; extravagant makeup which augments its look from bright, bold colours to dark, gothic pigmentation. The wardrobe is always eccentric, therefore allowing me to express myself in ways that do not fall within the usual realm. Concept shoots are largely based on creativity and imagination; therefore, I believe that they stand out from normality in an awe-inspiring way.
List any volunteering you have done.
Aside from volunteering my time modeling to help promote companies, I was involved in a breast cancer research fundraiser. I donated my time to help model and organize a 2011 calendar which was published and printed. All of the proceeds went to breast cancer research; many close family members of mine have been impacted with cancer, including breast cancer; therefore, raising awareness of it is very important to me. The same calendar will be produced for 2013 and as such I will be donating my time to help organize that as well. I have also volunteered at many small things, such as selling hot dogs and burgers and working bingos to help raise money for my sister’s travel club. In addition, animals are very important to me – our cat which we currently have was originally found nearly deceased, frozen under a car. Therefore, starting in spring I will be donating my time to help with our local SPCA. I have also recently been asked to help out with a Pink Shirt Campaign to help raise awareness of bullying; therefore, I will be volunteering my time to be a speaker and help with this event in April. Upon being bullied for the majority of my adolescent years, bullying is something that sits very close with my heart. Therefore, I plan to help out with the Red Cross’ Pink Shirt Campaign annually.
What is your most unusual talent?
My most unusual talent is one that is normally found being derived in television commercials and magazines. It is common sense that there are muscles all over one’s body; however, not everyone knows how to flex certain muscles within differing parts of their bodies. Many people are able to flare their nostrils, twitch their ears, and flex numerous parts found on the human frame. Subsequently, many males (this is often seen within a very muscular frame) are able to make their chest (often referred to as “pecs”) do a chest dance, thereby flexing each chest muscle simultaneously. I am proud to say, yet embarrassed, that I also have this talent. Although flexing each chest muscle simultaneously is commonly seen in males, it is very rarely seen in females – whether that be it is not a common talent, or the female population is timid to share this talent. Either way, I am fortunate to say that I do indeed have this unusual talent of flexing my chest muscles simultaneously, thereby doing a “chest dance”.
Where is the most interesting place you have been?
Although I have previously been to Cuba, I have to say that the most interesting place I have been thus far is Texas. Many of my family members live in Texas; therefore, I have been there three times. Texas is interesting because of the many aspects of culture in the south that you wouldn’t expect to differ much from here – but do. First of all, you have the southern hospitality. Slight tips of cowboy hats, the clicking of cowboy boots and the ever-so-popular “ma’am” which is found within every Texan’s vocabulary seem to put you right at ease. Next, you have the “stickers” – small, prickly grasses that plunge into your feet with the ever-so-slightest step. Unfortunately, when I was first blessed with the opportunity to undertake Texas for the first time, I was unaware of these “stickers” As such, billowing out the door to go for a pleasant walk in the southern heat, I was soon sitting on the sidewalk picking out all of the horrendous, unfamiliar weeds which were embedded into my feet. If I were to have gone for a walk – I would have seen very large trees planted in the middle of the roads, making vehicles and other traffic (including possible armadillos which seem to be roaming around everywhere) direct themselves around either side of the overbearing trees. Since I didn’t go for a walk – I decided to stay and relax in my Uncle’s back yard. Not soon after I merged back inside of the house to undertake a bit of air conditioning, two small possums and a raccoon were outside of the back door eating out of the goats’ (my cousin was raising goats at this time to raise money) food dishes. Later that night while our family was enjoying a relaxing game of cards – yet another miniature, unfamiliar looking creature appeared. Within a few seconds I was hovering on top of the kitchen counter, while all of my other family ran to the living room; my Uncle had a hammer in hand. Upon realization of what was crawling around us, a poisonous, wild scorpion was in the middle of the kitchen underneath all our feet.
Thus, trips to Texas are never without entertainment; therefore, making it very easy to say that Texas is by far the most interesting place I have ever been.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
Although the future is essentially impossible to predict, there are a few traits within myself that are pointing me to the path I believe I will be on in ten years. Ten years from now not only do I hope to have a successful career as a lawyer within Saskatchewan, but I want to be successful in my familiar relationships as well. I hope to be a loving mother, good friend, supportive sister, loving wife and respectful daughter.
My ideal career is within criminal law; therefore, I believe I will have an expanding career within criminal law. Aside from the career aspect of my life, I absolutely love being near water – whether that be at the ocean or lake. Subsequently, I believe I will have a cabin at Candle Lake – a venue which has played a large part within my life. I’m also hoping I will have a large, modern, yet family-based house – complete with an English bulldog, kitten, remarkable husband and two children.
Finally, within ten years I hope to be able to tell stories of how I have travelled the world. Thus far I have travelled around Canada, the United States, Cuba, and Jamaica. Gaining knowledge on other cultures around the world is something that holds a strong passion within my heart – intelligence may be found within textbooks and universities within our nation; however, wisdom may be found within very poor, uneducated tribes within Africa who have learned how to love and survive based on the bare necessities they have had since birth. I would love to be able to educate everyone that intelligence is not the same as wisdom, and be able to provide personal evidence of how this is so as I strongly believe that those whom I will meet will forever have an impact on my life.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
My pageant journey thus far essentially reminds me of the movie ‘Miss Congeniality’. Throughout my past I was always the one who was never seen as the socially acceptable portrait of beautiful, and subsequently I seemed to lack confidence in myself. If you would have asked anyone five years if I would be entering the Miss Universe Canada pageant, they would have convulsed in disbelief. My adolescent years were full of bullying directed at myself; therefore, my coping method was to chuckle with those who bullied me just to pretend it didn’t hurt me.
Up until one year ago, I was overweight; 190 pounds, and was so self conscious from being bullied because of my height that a pair of heels was never to be found in my closet. I am very proud to say that I have overcome all of these tribulations and am now seeking to help others do the same. Upon a full life style change, I have gained an immense amount of confidence in myself. I have lost 45 pounds, and have adjusted my wardrobe size from a size 12 to a size 4. Consequently, I now have confidence in how I look, and have confidence to show others the amount of intelligence I have. Many people see a tall, blonde, pretty girl as being stereotypical of unsuccessful roles. However, I have currently obtained two post-secondary diplomas with honours in the legal field, have obtained my Grade 8 certification with the Royal Conservatory of Music in piano, am seeing to enter law school with the University of Saskatchewan to become a lawyer, and have made an immense impression on everyone I’ve met. I strongly believe that anyone is able to achieve and overcome whichever tribulations and goals they choose; therefore, I am very passionate about anti-bullying campaigns, and hope to be able to speak to the public about my journey as I strongly believe that I am able to make an impression on the victims (and doers) of bullying.
* Back to Miss Universe Canada 2012 Contestants
* Special Thanks to Beauties of Canada
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