Linda Bartosova (Czech Republic) - Miss World 2012 Contestant

Miss World 2012 Czech Republic Linda Bartosova


Linda Bartosova

19 year old Linda from Vraclav speaks Czech, English and French. When growing up, she used to sing, dance and took part in a dramatic art course. Her philosophy in life is living like everyday should be the last one.

Bartosova is presently a journalism student and illustrates herself as someone who is very sociable who loves travel and culture. She loves Thai cuisine and enjoys most sports including tennis, swimming and running. She believed in the slogan "Never treat others in a way you would not like to be treated yourself."

Linda representing Czech Republic will compete against other 119 contenders vying the title of Miss World 2012 which celebrates the grand finale on August 18 in Ordos, Inner Mongolia at the People's Republic of China. It is one of the most celebrated and the oldest surviving beauty contests in the world since 1951. If ever she wins the crown, she will stay in London entire her reign and will travel to represent the Miss World Organization and its various causes. Do you think Miss Czech Rep. can win the hearts of the crowd and take home the coveted crown?


"To God be the Glory".