Tamara Teofilovic | Miss Universe Slovenijie (Slovenia) 2010 Finalist

miss universe slovenijie slovenia 2010 tamara teofilovic

Miss Universe Slovenijie 2010 Beauty Pageant
Miss Universe Slovenia 2010 Candidate

Tamara Teofilovic

Tamara Teofilovic is 22 year primary education student at the Faculty. They say that it is flexible, spontaneous and determined person who strives to meet its goals. Always stand behind our words and positions, which can also be argued. It works on the principle that to do so to another, which he does not want to do another you. It is open to criticism and praise, and can also pošaliti ... to your account.

Tamara Teofilovic says that in addition to the Miss Universe beauty also play an interesting personality, openness, tolerance and general knowledge.

Miss Universe Slovenia / Slovenijie 2010 Contestants


"To God be the Glory".