Miss Italy in the World 2011 Delegates (Batch 2)

miss italia nel mondo italy in the world 2011 candidates

Miss Italy in the World 2011 or locally known as Miss Italia Nel Mondo 2011 beauty pageant will take place at Reggio di Calabria on July 4. Kimberly Castillo Mota, Miss Italia Nel Mondo 2010 (photo above) will crown her successor at the event.

Miss Italia nel Mondo, celebrating it's 21st year is an Italian beauty pageant for women of Italian heritage which has been held since 1991.

Miss Italia nel Mondo 2011 / Miss Italy in the World 2011 Delegates (Batch 2):

21 - North America - Theresa Longo

22 - Monaco - Ludovica Colombotto Rosso

23 - Paraguay - Ida Franzini

24 - Austria - Anabel Blanch

25 - England - Sabrina Montourcy

26 - Holland - Tess Huissen

27 - PerĂº - Estefani Mauricci

28 - Mercosur - Carla Isabella Dutra

29 - Malta - Joanne Galea

30 - Puerto Rico - Tamara Gonzalez Valentin

31 - Brazil Sao Paulo - Vitoria Bisognin

32 - France - Elena Bartalucci

33 - Colombia - Vanessa Badillo

34 - Venezuela Caracas - Anna Pascarella

35 - Guatemala - Esther Lanuza

36 - Ecuador - Renata Moreira

37 - Ghana - Daniela Boateng

38 - Baleari - Chiara Massironi

39 - Germany - Maristella Giunta

40 - France Cannes - Audrey Sans Fontana

* Miss Italia Nel Mondo 2011 Finalists: Batch 1 | Batch 2
* Silvia Novais wins
"To God be the Glory".