Lucas Montandon is Mister Brazil 2014

Mister Brazil 2014 winner Lucas Montandon

The new Mister Brazil was elected at Hotel do Bosque, in Angra dos Reis last May 10. 40 candidates competed for the title which was conquered by Lucas Montandon, a 24 year old model from Brasilia, who speaks fluent English and has a degree in Advertisement. Second place went to Mister Ilhabela, Victor Santos, third was Mister Escarpa do Lagos, Matheus Martins, fourth was Mister Santa Catarina, Diogo Bernardes, fifth was Mister Sao Paulo, Victors Steuvax, and 6th was Mister Goias, Rhuda Fleury.

Mister Brazil 2014 winner Lucas Montandon

The Irish band The Nash Brothers performed in the event, while some 2014 Miss Brazil World candidates walked the runway. The new Mister Brazil donated the scholarship he won as a prize at Estacio University to the 1st runner-up, on a noble gesture: “I already have a college degree and want him to have this opportunity”, he announced during the coronational party. Montandon will represent Brazil in Mister World 2015.


"To God be the Glory".