Miss Nederland (Netherlands) 2012-2013 Winners

Miss Netherlands Nederland 2012 2013 winner Stefanie Tency and Jacqueline Steenbeek

The annual Miss Netherlands or locally called as Miss Nederland pageant took place in Bunnik last December 10 for it's 2012-2013 edition.

Chosen to represent Netherlands in Miss Universe 2013 contest was Stefanie Tency, 21 year old beauty from Amsterdam who stands 5'8" tall.

Meanwhile, 23 year old Jacqueline Steenbeek from Drunen will enter the Miss World 2013 which will be held on September 14 at the Sentul International Convention Center in Sentul, Bogor, Indonesia. She stands tall at 5'9.5".

The event was produced by Kim Kotter, a former Miss Universe Netherlands 2002.

"To God be the Glory".